Friday, July 15, 2011


Both boys got haircuts recently. Mommy snipped some of Gavin's cute curls to try to keep his hair from looking like a comb over ;) Landon got his haircut after our third attempt...ugh! The first two trys were at a barber shop (just like the place he used to go to in Germany and did well with) and finally Mommy took him to a kid's haircut shop that actually had TV cartoons playing in each booth for the kids. Well, that did not make a bit of difference and he freaked out again??? The only difference this time was the patience and determination of the hairdresser. Needless to say we are not looking forward to that again!

New haircut

New haircut and electric Thomas toothbrush

He loves the kitty...

Laughing when Simon flicks his tail in his face

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