Friday, October 19, 2012

The North Pole!

Ryan took a temporary assignment in Vermont this August so that we could have a visit with Grandma & Grandpa Cacka. We were there for 2-1/2 weeks and we definitely kept busy. First thing we did was visit North Pole, NY near Lake Placid. It was a cute, old amusement park built all around Christmas. Perfect place for the boys at this age!

Gavin was not digging the first show of two girls singing who looked like Rageddy Ann. He covered his ears the entire time!

He enjoyed this one slightly more but was sure to keep his eye on those creatures!

Touching the ice at the North Pole!

Feeding the reindeer! Guess who liked it more...

Sitting on Santa's lap. Gavin said No thank you!!! Landon asked Santa for a red robot for Christmas.

Making wooden cars at Santa's Workshop with the elves

Gavin meets a baby reindeer!

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