Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gavin's First Tooth!

Gavin's first tooth broke through yesterday!! He handled it well and was his normal pleasant self. Hope the rest of the teeth come out so easily for him!! Here are pics of hin enjoying his squash and practicing his newfound floor skills!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Our Chrismas Tree!

This weekend we picked out our Christmas tree and had a great time decorating it together! Landon got into it right away and was grabbing ornaments and saying "I need a hook!" Gavin enjoyed watching and trying to crawl over and grab the tree. We can't believe Christmas is almost much left to do! We will try to get some baking done this week hopefully!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The many faces of Landon...

Well with the cold weather we have had lots of time to play inside lately. Landon has really enjoyed working with his puzzles lately. Here are a couple pics of him concentrating on it and then getting super excited when he puts together one of the shapes!

Walking to a playdate this morning in the snow. Landon is super excited about anything Christmas...reading all of his Christams books, watching Christmas videos and singing Christmas songs. Should be a fun Christmas morning!!

Landon has also started really noticing people's emotions, etc. He often comments while reading books whether a character looks happy or sad. This afternoon he came up to me and said "Mommy, I'm sad." and made this face. I had to get a was too funny. He got a good laugh at looking at it as well!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gavin's Big Milestones...

Gavin sure is changing a lot lately. He is sitting up really well on his own and is busily practicing his pre-crawling skills. Won't be long out world (or maybe just Landon and his toys ;)) He is also saying Mama and Dada more frequently...he especially yells Mama if he is in the high chair or saucer too 3 minutes ;) Landon loves encouraging Gavin and is always saying "look he's crawling...good job B" (as he calls him, not sure why??) or "he said Mama!!!" Fun to watch them together!

Yesterday he also started to eat a new food other than cereal. We started with sweet potatoes. As usual he makes a funny face at first and then realizes that it is pretty yummy and precedes to eat the whole bowl. Hope he continues like that!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

AWC Christmas Party

We went to the American Women's Club Christmas Party for the kids this weekend. Here are a few pics from the event. Landon was not liking Santa too much, we could only get him to sit for a second and he was not happy. Gavin didn't know any better and was just happy to be able to get a toy to chew on. Landon was happy with his little goody bag and the cupcake that he ate while at the party.

Cozy Fun at Home

It sure is winter over here already. The temps have really dipped this week and there is snow on the ground. Probably a good thing that we had our last music class this week. Getting the double stroller through the snow and over the bridge to get there was quite a workout. We will start back up again in January. Here are some pics from the week. We are enjoying hanging out and playing together and having friends over for playdates!

Frankfurt Christmas Market

German Christmas Markets are in full swing over here. Last weekend we went down to the Frankfurt Christmas Market. It was a bit cold but not too bad, well Landon did not like the cold at all and after doing a little shopping, riding the merry go round and grabbing some brats for lunch we headed home. He is not a cold weather kid at all. Gavin didn't seem to mind he just took a nap!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! We enjoyed ours here in Germany. Lots of food and we enjoyed dinner with another family from our neighborhood who has a 4 year old daughter who Landon loves to play with.

Taking a family picture is not an easy task...Gavin just stared at me for all of the pics we tried ;)

Our table ready for dinner

Gavin will look at the camera now...

Landon's turkey

We are enjoying a nice long weekend here and even woke up to snow the day after Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gavin is 6 months old!!

Gavin James is 6 months old! Wow time is flying by!! Here are some of the latest pics of our little guy. He has his checkup next week so we will know his latest weight/height stats then. He is such a happy little guy and has such a sweet personality...very easy baby for sure!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tickle Tickle

Landon loves to tickle Gavin and copies Daddy by pretending to "eat" G's belly which always get lots of giggles.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Latest from Frankfurt

Here are some of the latest pics of the boys as I haven't updated in a while. The weather has turned pretty gloomy and we are trying to keep busy with playdates and Music class during the week. Otherwise the boys love playing together and they are fun to watch. Gavin's eyes just light up when Landon talks to him. Gavin is sitting up on his own pretty well with a little bit of support and is still trying to figure out the crawling. He gets around really well by rolling everywhere and pushes himself (usually backwards) around. Landon is as always a little chatterbox. He LOVES talking and commenting on anything and everything. He is very curious and his vocabulary grows a lot everyday. His favorite question is "What are you doing Mommy/Daddy?" He narrates everything that he sees. He is also getting quite an imagination as he has his trains or Little People have conversations back and forth and it is cute to hear what he has them say.