Friday, July 29, 2011


Landon and Mommy went bowling yesterday for the first time with his playgroup. He really enjoyed it. He loved his orange ball that he picked out and cheering for all of his friends. He was not so keen on the shoes but I think they look cute! We will definitley have to try this again with him, especially since it has been about 100 degrees this week in DC.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Landon's Diego Party!

The Diego Birthday Party is finally here! After weeks of waiting (and Landon asking everyday, "Is today my birthday?") the day is finally here! When I finally answered yes to his daily question his eyes got really big and he jumped up and down and said he is so excited! Too cute! He loved his Diego birthday cake and proceeded to show everybody his cake in the fridge. Landon loved having everyone at his house for his birthday party this year. What a nice perk of living closer to family! Uncle George, Aunt Julie, Madison and Zachary, Grandma & Grandpa Cacka and Grandma & PopPop Russell were all here to celebrate his big day. Even though he had a cold and the heat was over 100 degrees we all had a great time. Diego, Dinosaurs and Trains ruled the day and that was heaven for Landon ;)


We surprised Landon on his birthday with his new dinosaur bedroom. He especially liked his T-Rex pillow! We had pasta for dinner and of course cupcakes for dessert. He also opened up a couple of presents from us and Grandma & PopPop Russell. More presents and cake will be had at his party the next day!

Unfortunately he came down with a cold on his birthday and has had a runny nose all weekend. (He hates runny noses!!) Summer colds are no fun! Of course now Gavin has it as well because there is no keeping them from each other or sharing everything ;)

Landon's Birthday Party Playdate

Last week we hosted our weekly playdate with our Germany friends at our place for Landon's little party. Sam, Cecelia and Liam were here to help celebrate at his Diego party!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pool & Sprayground Visits

We checked out the community pool last weekend and the boys enjoyed it. It took them a little while to get into it but then Landon really liked it. He of course still doesn't like to get his face wet, but we will keep working on it. On Thursday we started in a new playgroup and they met up at the local community center's spray park. They both liked it but it was a bit busy so they had their fill of it after some time. They both took really long naps after both of these outings!!


Both boys got haircuts recently. Mommy snipped some of Gavin's cute curls to try to keep his hair from looking like a comb over ;) Landon got his haircut after our third attempt...ugh! The first two trys were at a barber shop (just like the place he used to go to in Germany and did well with) and finally Mommy took him to a kid's haircut shop that actually had TV cartoons playing in each booth for the kids. Well, that did not make a bit of difference and he freaked out again??? The only difference this time was the patience and determination of the hairdresser. Needless to say we are not looking forward to that again!

New haircut

New haircut and electric Thomas toothbrush

He loves the kitty...

Laughing when Simon flicks his tail in his face

Boys at Work

Landon loves to help us do stuff around the house. We call them his important jobs (like Thomas the train gets from Sir Topham Hatt) and he gets really excited. Dad has recruited him as his helper in the yard. Here he is cutting the grass and feeding the plants. Gavin thought he would help out as well and do a little vacuuming...wished it really worked!