Saturday, March 9, 2013

Birthday Weekend

We had a fun weekend visiting with family. The Reisinger's visited as well and the boys got lots of playtime with everyone!

Lunch at Chili's

Playing Candyland with cousins

Candyland again anyone??

White House Tour

Grandma & Grandpa Cacka came into town at the end of February and we planned a trip to the White House for a tour. We made it out without breaking anything so it was a success ;)

Art Fridays

Fridays have been Donut and art class mornings for Mommy and Gavin. Here he is enjoying both activities!!!

TOT Preschool Fun

Landon's class celebrated the 100th day of school by dressing up like a 100 year old...this is what we came up with from his closet :)

This month was also Dad's Night at school. Here they are afterwards with Daddy wearing his special tie. Landon also answered a few questions about his Daddy that he gave to him. It read:

What does your Dad look like? He's tall and he's not skinny or fat.

How old is your Dad? 46

How much does your Dad weigh? Like 100 lbs.

What is your Dad's favorite food? All the stuff that Mommy makes except that soup she made.

What is your Dad's name? Ryan

What do you and your Dad like to do together? We like to drive together and play Duck, Duck, Goose.

They also celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday this month at school!

Slippery Rock Visit

We took our long weekend and spent it up in Slippery Rock visiting with family!
The boys checking out Daddy's old Star Wars and Transformers toys

Landon helping to smoosh the Oreo's for Aunt Regan's birthday cake

Celebrating Aunt Regan's and Mommy's birthdays

Spending time with Maggie!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Valentine's Day is here and the boys were super excited!

Making a cake for Daddy!

Opening their presents...superhero jammies and a new book

and of course a chocolate treat!

Finishing touches on the cake