Monday, January 23, 2012

Indoor Fun

Did I ever mention that I love being a stay-at-home Mom? It is not always easy or fun and there has been more than a few days that I never even showered or had a moment to myself but I wouldn't trade it for anything. These guys are fun and sweet and they do actually listen to me some of the time ;)

Playing in the fort we built

They love feeding nuts to the squirrels...they come right up to the door to get them.

Gavvy saying CHEESE... (oh that reminded him - can I have some Cheese?)

Art Day!

Freezing rain outside makes for a perfect art day at home! Painting, crayons and markers made for some beautiful artwork. Next time I will try some fingerpaints with Gavin...not brave enough today as I was trying to keep the crayons out of his mouth. ;) Gavin is looking like he may be a lefty...we will see. I set everything up on the right out of habit and he switched it around. He also throws with his left arm usually as well.

Random Fun

Looking cute in his raincoat...

Playing trains...some things just never get old ;)

Had to add this one for the memory book...Gavin at the gate to the kitchen as soon as we start preparing for any meal - CHEESE! CHEESE!

After lunch and ready for some Wii...where are you Daddy, we are ready!

Wii Fun Fit

Ryan and the boys finally broke out the Wii Fun Fit this past weekend and they loved it. Since Gavin is too small to get the hang of it (he will not let us help to move him either - he is in full I'm the Boss mode! ;)), he was none the wiser when he did his thing on the other Wii Fit board and was actually learning the moves. They were cute to watch. I have a cute video of them both shaking their hips doing the hoola hoop game.

Lancaster Visit

Here are a few pics from our overnight visit to Lancaster last weekend. The kids had a ball playing together and the boys liked seeing their family again!

Watching a movie...

Playing Cranium...

Gavin loves to give goodbye kisses (eskimo ones too)

Landon giving out hugs before we leave

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random Pics

Well the holidays are long over and we have been settling back into our normal routine the last couple of weeks. Landon is happy that school has started back up again because he LOVES it, which is great! Gavin has been going to his playgroup (which is about 90% girls most weeks) which is funny. He enjoys being with kids his age and having time to be social. We also started the boys back up in their Music class this session. It is nice to have another play outlet when the weather is not so nice. We have only had a dusting of snow so far so Landon is still anxiously awaiting enough snow to make a snowman and the igloo he asked Daddy to make for him. (That will be a fun project!)

New Cars slippers from Aunt Regan, Uncle Drew and Maggie. They love them.

Having fun with veggie ranch dip...Landon did NOT like seeing his brother so messy ;)

Landon and his Germany friends (Sam, Liam, and Cecelia) at the kid's table during our family brunch at our house. They had a ball!

Our little curly-q baby...So curly just after a bath!

Eating their favorite bedtime snack (apples) while watching Diego.

He is so his smile ;)

We are venturing down a no nap afternoon with Landon as he very rarely falls asleep in his bed at naptime anymore and after one too many times of him making too much noise and waking up Gavin we thought we would try it out again. All week he has been enjoying his quiet time with his tag reader books and his Leap Frop letter writing pad. Hope it lasts...