Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Opel Zoo

On Sunday we headed to the Opel Zoo outside of Frankfurt which was great for little kids. Lots of playgrounds and Landon's favorite - the petting zoo! He could have stayed in with the animals all day. He kept following them around and petting them while saying "nice." He is definitely in an independent phase as he does not want to walk holding hands and is always saying "Landon do it!" He sure is a lot of fun ;)

Indoor Playground

Well the weather in Frankfurt sure is leaving a lot to be desired lately. So we headed to an indoor playground this past weekend for Landon's last hurrah weekend as an only child (we hope!) He really enjoyed himself and pretty much had the run of the place to himself for most of the time! Daddy and Grandma were pretty tired out afterwards as well. Needless to say Landon crashed for a 4 hour nap after this exciting morning ;)

Music Fun!

Here are some pics from last week's music class. As you can probably tell Landon really enjoyed himself. This was May 11th, Gavin's due date, but he didn't realize that. He must be too comfy to come out just yet! We had class again today and everyone was surprised to see us again! Hope they don't next week ;)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Music Class

Landon took Grandma to Music class this week. He enjoyed showing off his dancing and instrument playing skills!

Daddy's Birthday!

Here are a few pics from Ryan's birthday. Landon enjoyed giving Daddy his presents and helping to open them. After Landon was off to bed a couple of Ryan's co-workers brought over a great Mexican dinner and we had a fun time. No shared birthday for Ryan and Gavin...we will see if he gets here before his due date on May 11. We are all hoping to see him soon!

Grandma Arrives

Landon is all smiles now that Grandma is here. She is getting her workout in as Landon is constantly saying "Grandma do it" to just about everything. Unfortunately the weather has turned chilly and rainy this week so we haven't gotten as much outside play in as we would all like. Hopefully it turns around soon. Landon loves to go bye-bye's outside!

Our Babies Rooms

Here are a few pics of our two babies rooms. I was taking some of Gavin's room and realized I hadn't taken any of Landon's room. Grandma Cacka is here now and we are waiting for Gavin to arrive. In the meantime Landon is loving all of the attention!