Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve Fun

We are having our own little New Year's Eve party here at the Russell's. On the agenda was putting together the last of the new toys and partying in our hats, necklaces and noisemakers that Landon helped pick out with Mommy today! Goodbye 2011...hello 2012! Looking forward to more fun with our boys and family and wishing for continued health and happiness for everyone!!

Family Reunion

On our way out of town we were able to meet up with the Dickert side of the family in Indiana, PA. It was great to see everyone and the boys loved playing with all of the kids. A fun end to our Christmas trip!!

Post Christmas Fun

We enjoyed spending the few days after Christmas visiting in PA. The boys got to go check out a huge model train display one day and finished it off with a movie and popcorn. Life doesn't get much better than that for two little boys! Throw a little IPad playing with Grandma & PopPop in there and life is perfect. It was a great visit!

Christmas Dinner...and more presents!

We made it to Slippery Rock for Christmas dinner at Grandma & PopPop Russell's house with Aunt Regan, Uncle Drew and Maggie. It was a delicious meal and the kids were in heaven opening up more gifts. Some of the highlights were the Steelers noise makers (oops we forgot to leave them there ;)), the play kitchen and the electric train set PopPop set-up. It was a really fun day and ended with us trying to catch them to get into their jammies. They are all such cuties!!

Christmas Morning

The boys were so excited on Christmas morning and were giggling and jumping when we went in to get them. Gavin kept saying Santa - Santa!! They dug right into all of their presents from Santa and Landon was happy to see his big Mater and big Lightening. Gavin loves anything stuffed so he was happy to see a stuffed riding bull under the tree for him! Grandma & PopPop were able to Skype with us to see the boys open their gifts from Santa as well. We had a nice morning at home and then packed up and headed to Slippery Rock.


Christmas Eve!!

We celebrated Christmas eve at our house this year and Grandma & Grandpa Cacka came down for the day with Uncle George, Madison and Zachary. The kids all enjoyed opening their presents throughout the day and consuming way too much sugar. Landon was excited to share the rice krispie treat snowmen that he made for his cousins. We finished off the day with reading The Night Before Christmas and leaving cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. (No pics of those as we were too busy wrestling Gavin away from the yummy treats and getting them into bed before Santa came ;)) It was a great day with family!