Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend at Home

Grandma & PopPop Russell came to our house for Thanksgiving weekend and to share a yummy meal with us! The weather was beautiful and the boys enjoyed the visit so much!

Landon was so excited for his turkey leg at dinner!!!!!!!!!

Cuddling with Grandma & PopPop

Fun in a box

Walking to the playground


Our little daredevil :)

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent Thanksgiving Day in Lancaster with the Reisinger family and Grandma & Grandpa Cacka. We had a nice time and a delicious meal.

Landon was so excited to say the prayer before dinner and he thanked God for his family. It was so sweet!!

Landon's favorite part was of course the chocolate turkey afterwards ;)

Grandma prepared another treasure hunt for the older kids as they always have a fun time doing this. Landon asked Grandma to bring the pirate hats and patches. He was soooo excited!!

They found the treasure!!!

Checking out their booty! Landon secured Gavin's as well ;)

Post meal trip to the playground was a big hit with all!

Ending the day with a game of Wii bowling. Landon and Gavin's first video game experience. They both LOVED it!!!!

Loving the Fall Weather

The weather has been beautiful this month and the boys have been enjoying playing outside and helping in the yard. Landon also had fun painting and assembling his wooden dinosaur with Mommy. The last pic is just a cute pic of Gavin being his cute silly self!!

Piles and piles of Leaves!

Landon had a blast playing in the leaves and riding "Trevor the tractor" with PopPop and Daddy. Gavin missed out on the fun as he was snoozing away inside.

Going to Pennsylvania!!

In early November we made a trip to Grandma & PopPop's house for the weekend. The boys were so excited for another trip to Pennsylvania! Landon gets so excited when we mention going to PA! Here are some pics of them having a great time with their grandparents and their cousin Maggie ;)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Halloween is finally here!! We had two very excited boys on Halloween night ;) Landon chose early on that he wanted to be super Why for HalSoween and Gavin loves animals so we picked a tree frog for him this year. Can't wait to see what he will pick for himself next year! Gavin hit about two houses and then let his brother do all of the work after that, while he caught a lift with Mommy and Daddy. Not to worry about any candy shortage to share as Landon visited at least 30 houses with his buddy Grace. They both enjoyed their treats afterwards...Landon was allowed 3 pieces and Gavin had a mini bag of M&M's. Gavin had the worst sugar meltdown that lasted about 5 mins then he crashed. Fun was had all around!! Landon is already asking when Halloween is again...