Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Adventures of Kayla

August 2014:
The first couple of weeks of school Kayla insisted that she walk to the bus stop holding Landon's hand. He was very happy to do it. So sweet!

She loves to explore outside and picks all of the little berries off of plants and carries them around just like her brother Gavin

She loves her books!

Her favorite show to watch is by far Peppa Pig...every morning when she wakes up she asks for Peppa. Here she is snuggling with her stuffies

Someone somehow climbed out of their crib at 6am this morning even though they had a sleep sack on...this was the look on her face when I brought her into our room to make sure she was ok. I think she knew she did something dangerous! She was the youngest by far of the three to do this. Time to lower the crib all the way.

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